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Hello all! Welcome back to The Book Nook. Today I will be reviewing the third book to Sarah J Maas’ “Court of Thornes and Roses” series titled “A Court of Wings and Ruin.” If you have not done so already please read my review of the first and second book so that you are somewhat caught up. Also if you are new here make you your follow me to read more of my reviews. So let’s begin.

Because of a sacrafice Feyre made in the last book she is back at the Spring Court once again with Tamlin. Although he claims that things will be different between them Feyre has other plans. Once those plans are executed, Feyre and her family must join forces with others in order to defend themselves against the threatening King of Hybern.

I will say this time and time again; I love this series! Sarah J. Maas does an excellent job of keeping the reader engaged and there is always a surprise or two around every corner. The last book focused on Rhys and the backstory of his court. This book more-so focused on the threat of Hybern, like I previously mentioned, as well as Feyre’s relationship with her sisters and how they are involved  with everything. The person who had the biggest character development was Lucien, in my opinion. After being with Tamlin for some many years he was finally able to break away from being more than Tamlin’s second in command. Nesta (Feyre’s sister) had a bit of character development as well, although not quite as much as Lucien. And I was will say that there’s a little something going on between Nesta and someone else (which I saw coming in the last book) and we’ll leave it at that 😏

This book is also pretty long; it has 82 chapters. However, like with the previous books everything has to build it. And because everything has to build up that makes the story even more intense because you never know if something is going to happen to a character and the rest of the characters have to move on from that or if something crucial happened in the story and the rest of the book is about the aftermath.

The humor and drama was still on point. Especially the drama. Even though the book is long the pacing was still pretty good. Like with the second book all the good stuff happened towards the end of the book; like, my heart was going to jump out of my chest. And I’m not going to lie, I almost cried at one scene. Like, seriously. Reading this book stressed me out but in a good way. I will read the fourth and final book, however, I will take a break from this series. Otherwise, I’m pretty sure I will die from all the excitement and drama.

Overall, 5/5 (of course)

Until next time!