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Hello everyone! Welcome to the Book Nook. Today we are going to be doing a review on The Guest List by Lucy Foley. I read Foley’s other book The Paris Apartment (read review here) and it was pretty decent. I will say I liked this book better. Before we get started, I encourage you all to comment down below and tell me your thoughts. Also, make sure you are following the Book Nook on WordPress, Instagram and YouTube; that way you don’t miss any of my reviews in the future. So, without further ado, lets get into it.

The Guest List is about a wedding that takes place on a remote island and is told from the POV of five characters; the bride, the bridesmaid, the best man, the wedding planner and the plus one. As the big day draws near, tension and resentment runs high; the groomsmen get rowdy, the bridesmaid ruins her dress and the best man makes an uncomfortable speech. Then a body is discovered. But who is it?

Like with The Paris Apartment, this story starts off intense; everyone has a secret that is revealed later on in the story. But unlike The Paris Apartment, the intensity didn’t keep building. There were a few lulls in the story that I could appreciate. I found Hannah, the plus one, to be the most relatable. Her husband, Charlie is best friends with the bride, Jules, and there were times where Hannah felt so insecure and unhappy whenever the two of them got around each other. It made Hannah uncomfortable to have to stand there and watch her husband essentially flirt with another woman and I think Charlie should’ve been a little more conscious of how he moved. The groomsmen were annoying as hell. You had these 30-something-year-old men trying to relive their glory days of school by being rambunctious and engaging in disruptive behavior. Like, grow up!

There was a revelation that was made about the bridesmaid, Olivia’s, past that I saw coming. What I didn’t see coming is how everyone in the story was connected to another character and all of them had beef with said character. This is the type of thing I don’t really like. I don’t really like how convenient is tends to be, however, in some ways the multiple plot twists did surprise me a bit. The ending was a little too drawn out but as the whole the pacing wasn’t bad.

As I said before, I enjoyed The Guest List better than The Paris Apartment. It had the right amount of intensity, I didn’t see parts of the ending coming and I do like the way it was written.

Overall, I give it a 4/5

Until next time!