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Hello everyone! Welcome to the Book Nook. Today we are going to be doing a review on the Man in the Brown Suit by Agatha Christie. This has been on my Kindle shelf for months and my goal for the rest of June is to get through the rest of the books on that shelf. I did enjoy this book because it was a nice change from Hercule Poirot. I love Poirot but sometimes you gotta switch it up. Before we get started, I encourage you all to comment down below and tell me your thoughts. Also, make sure you are following the Book Nook on WordPress, Instagram and YouTube; that way you don’t miss any of my reviews in the future. So, without further ado, lets get into it.

Anne Beddingfeld is young, newly orphaned woman who moves to London in search of adventure; which she got. While waiting at Hyde Park Corner tube station, Anne witnesses a man fall on the train tracks and become electrocuted. A man in a brown suit, who declares himself to be a doctor, examines the body but then runs off, accidentally dropping a piece of paper behind. Despite Scotland Yard ruling the death an accident, Anne is not so sure. Who is the man in the brown suit? And what was is the meaning of the cryptic message left behind?

As I mentioned before, this was a nice change from Hercule Poirot. I liked the pacing and I did like Anne as a character. She was independent, smart and humorous. Was she impulsive? Yes. Did she make stupid decisions? Absolutely, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t make for a good story; especially considering the time period and society’s view on women. I did like the relationship between Anne and Suzanne Blair; the older woman she met on her trip. Despite their age difference, the two seemed to share a genuine friendship. I will say, Anne falling in love with a particular character was sudden and fast. But then again, this tends to happen in Christie’s novels a lot. I think the biggest reason why Anne was attracted to this man was because of the danger and the mystery.

Speaking of mystery, the whole plot of the story did confused me at times. Like, I understood at some parts but not others and there were many characters and story lines at play. It was pretty difficult to understand.

In conclusion, I did enjoy this book. It wasn’t anything spectacular but it was still entertaining to read. The pacing was great, I liked the main character and despite the story being confusing at times not a bad story.

Overall, I give it a 3/5.

Until next time!