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Hello everyone! Welcome to the Book Nook. Today we are going to be doing a review on Killing Mr. Griffin by Lois Duncan. This has been on my TBR list for a while; I’ve been wanting to read this book because, apparently, it’s been on the banned books list once or twice. However…it was disappointing. Before we get started, I encourage you all to comment down below and tell me your thoughts. Also, make sure you are following the Book Nook on WordPress, Instagram and YouTube; that way you don’t miss any of my reviews in the future. So, without further ado, lets get into it.

Mr. Griffin is the worst teacher ever, according to many students at Del Norte High. 5 students in particular decide to teach Mr. Griffin a lesson by kidnapping him. However, the kidnapping takes a gruesome turn when Mr. Griffin ends up dead. Panicked, the students try their best to pretend nothing happened but as time goes on the students start to unravel and they realize someone among them is a killer.

I do like that the book has multiple POVs. Although, I feel as though some POVs weren’t necessary. Initially I was confused about the time period. The book was written in 1978, however, there is mention of Goggle and iPhones. When I did some research I learned that in 2010 the book was modernized to appeal to certain audiences. To be honest, this upset me because I really wanted to read the book the way the author wrote it during the 70s.

The book wasn’t as suspenseful or tense as I would’ve liked it to be. As I mentioned before, someone among the main characters could be a killer. But in the beginning of the book it is mentioned that one character in particular has some sort mental health problems. With that being said, it’s not hard to guess who the potential killer could be. I wished that there was some sort of plot twist but, alas, there wasn’t. The book was pretty straight-forward. I will say the pacing was great and I was able to get through the book pretty quickly.

In conclusion, the book was disappointing. The pacing was great but the thrills/suspense wasn’t there.

Overall, I give it a 2.5/5.

Until next time!