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Hello, there! I hope everyone had a great weekend. Today I will be reviewing the 2018 HBO film Fahrenheit 451. It is based off of the book by the same name by Ray Bradbury. It also stars Michael B. Jordan and Michael Shannon as the main characters. I have read the book, however, that was back in 2017! Three years ago! I will admit I had to read my original review of the book and read the plot on Wikipedia to re-familierize myself.

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So, without further ado, let’s get into it.

For those of you who don’t know, Fahrenheit 451 is set in a world where firemen burn books. Guy Montage is one of those firemen who, after he meets Clarisse, soon realizes that there is more to books than what he’s been told.

The movie is 100% different from the book which did not surprise me. In fact I expected it to be. The premise, however, remained the same. In the movie, the internet reigns supreme and the burnings of the firemen are recorded live. The people who harbor books are called Eels (I have no idea why) and if they are caught then their fingerprints are erased from the system and they are punished. The movie brought to light how the internet and technology has pretty much taken over society. Any time something happens, the first thing people do is take out their phones and record it. Similar to Siri and Alexa the city in the movie was heavily monitored by a digital personal assistant known as Xulti (I believe she was called that). Now, I’m not saying that the advancement of technology is bad but, unfortunately, it’s not without it’s problems; all things technical is not necessarily good. On a different note as a person who obviously loves reading it made me upset to see books being handled in such an heinous matter. The messed up part is that years ago people actually thought certain books were bad influences on society and they did burn them. Those books were just ahead of the times and they were different. And as a result they were destroyed and the authors were ridiculed. If you are someone who doesn’t find reading particularly entertaining, fine. But don’t judge those who enjoy it as a hobby. You have your likes and I have mine. Also don’t judge an author by the content of their book and don’t judge the reader by the content of the books they read. I personally like supernatural fiction but I also like murder mysteries. If you want to read Fifty Shades of Grey, by all means, read it. If you are an adult and you want to read Harry Potter, go ahead; that is your preference. We all have different things that we like and that’s OK.

Now getting back to the movie…it wasn’t all that. And from what I heard it receieved mixed reviews. The relationship between Jordan and Shannon was awkward and the romance between Jordan and Sofia Boutella (who played Clarisse) was unnecessary. I also found it funny how Clarisse’s betrayal of the Eels went unnoticed.

Overall, the movie was just how I expected it to be; bland. I did like the modern spin on it though.

Accuracy wise: 1/5

Overall: 2/5

Until next time!